Wednesday, October 10, 2012

9 Months Old

Obviously I'm a little behind on the pictures with his Teddy. How I ever did it once a week for six months is beyond me!

When I went to pull out Teddy today for pictures I wondered if Ollie would even remember him? He was so excited to see him he attacked him! I shouldn't have tried to take pictures by myself because Ollie is so big and active now I was afraid he was going to fall right off the couch as he wrestled poor Teddy. And so much for doing his hair. He smeared it all over the place. And when it came to putting him in his clothes I finally broke down and gave him some candies to hold so I could keep him still for one moment. It worked. He doesn't even know what candy is but he loves to play with wrappers. Silly little guy. Here are some of the action shots...

Ollie is quite the busy body these days. I'm still working on baby proofing the house. Just when I think things are under control he finds something new and you can always tell which room he has been in because something is torn apart or scattered everywhere. Today he went for Missee's scratch pad. I often think about how he has no idea what I am saying when I talk to him, but he does understand "no" because when he does something like try to play with her scratch pad (so gross) and I say "no" he immediately turns with this guilty look in his eye.

His favorite thing to do is terrorize Missee. When she saw him on her scatch pad she suddenly wanted to come over and show him how to use it. He gets so excited every time he sees her, and then he tries to wrestle her. Surprisingly Missee handles it pretty well, but every now in then she gets upset about it.

He is starting to take an interest in balls, I tried passing it to him today. He loved getting the ball and beating around on it, and even tried to wrestle it, but hasn't quite figured out what to do with it yet.

His other obession is taking things apart. He loves to unload his laundry basket, and I am forever finding him knocking over trash cans, my room looks silly now because all of our trash cans are no longer on the floor but sitting up on top of things like our night stands. And if we forget to close the door to the bathroom he will inevitably find his way in there and start unloading the toilet paper off the roll.

But his all time fovorite thing to do is crawl into our bathroom and start playing with the mirror on the wall. Luckily it is hung in a way that he can't get it off (I shouldn't say that because I can't put anything past him), but he can swing it back and forth and bang it and for some reason it seems to be the highlight of his day.

Just kidding, the highlight of his day is always when Daddy comes home. Matt can still make him laugh like no other and Ollie always lights up when he sees him. Although I have to admit he is becoming a bit of a Momma's boy and maybe I'm an itsy bitsy bit enjoying the fact that he sometimes wants me over Matt, mostly only if he needs a little comforting.

One of my favorite things to watch Ollie do is play with his Elmo- I don't know what you call it but he has to stand to play with it, it has buttons and lights up and sings songs and Elmo rocks back and forth. At first I think Elmo scared him, but now he crawls over, pulls himself up and when the music starts he even starts dancing with it. So cute!

He is still as curious as ever. And when he finds something he will take time to check it out, put it in his mouth of course, and then he drags it around with him as he crawls. He has gotten really good at crawling with things.

All in all, he's still a happy little fun guy that is starting to burst with personality. Can't wait to see what the next month brings us!


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