Wednesday, September 26, 2012

First bandaid

Tonight I was in the kitchen starting up a treat while Ollie was crawling around on the floor near me getting into mischief. All of the sudden I heard him cry out, I rushed to the end of the island and found him standing there holding onto the shelf crying. Somehow he had managed to break a rather tough candle jar and there was a big piece of glass sitting there on the shelf. I grabbed him and saw that his hand was bleeding- Matt had just left and I tried to convince myself that I could handle a little blood, but then a little blood turned into what seemed to be a gushing waterfall of blood out of his finger. He wouldn't let me look at it. I grabbed a paper towel and tried to apply pressure but holding onto a nine month old's finger is not an easy task, he resisted and kept pulling his hand away from me. I rushed him to the bathroom and it wasn't until I was in front of the mirror that I saw the blood dripping all over him and me. I frantically called Matt, when he got on the phone Ollie wasn't even crying any more so to him it all appeared to be under control and I was left to figure it out. I got off the phone determined I could do it, but as soon as I pulled the paper towel off the blood started gushing again, and as soon as I was able to get a bandaid out it became very evident that there was no way I was going to get that bandaid around his finger without someone else's help. He was fussing again and just wanted me to hold him and not touch his finger but every time he got his finger free, or I let go to try and work on it the blood came pouring out again. I gave up trying to do it myself and called Nicole. Luckily she was on her way home and was able to stop and save the day. And of course it finally stopped bleeding right before she got there. My house looks like a crime scene, blood everywhere. Most of it is cleaned up but here is the evidence and it really doesn't do it justice- I have no idea how his little cut on the end of his finger did all of this.
There was a blood trail of big drops of blood all the way to the bathroom, and then anything he touched was smeared in blood. It was dripping down my fingers and arms, and it was all down his legs. The bathroom looked like a crime scene when he was finished with it.
And now, two bandaid dressings later he is all fixed up and fast asleep...

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