Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ten Weeks Old

Ten weeks old and we are still rookies! Walked into church today and realized we didn't have his diaper bag, had to leave sacrament meeting to run home and get it. Got back just in time to find Matt in the hallway ready to feed him. He looked so cute in his little Sunday clothes, all grown up. Saw our friend Jody and she could hardly believe he is only 10 weeks- she had to hold him and the consensus was "he's solid!" Love these pics because you can see his belly getting bigger and rounder.

The last few days he has been doing a funny little thing when he is eating- he starts kicking around and pushing the bottle out of his mouth. Such an active little eater. Love that little guy! Ate dinner at Marcee and Lance's, Ollie was asleep when we arrived and slept all through dinner and beyond. I got good laughs looking over at the kids all huddled over his car seat giggling over every little move he made- even in his sleep he is the center of attention, and auntee Marcee can always get big smiles out of him. So cute.

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie!! I love all those rolls! And whatever...for "rookies" I think you guys are doing amazingly well! Ollie is one lucky boy!
