Monday, March 19, 2012

12 Weeks Old

I have a confession to make, I don't always get Ollie's pictures taken on the day he turns x weeks old! But it is always within 1-2 days. We watched "The Office" this past week and Matt and I totally laughed when the "new manager" decided she could just look at people and tell what their names where. When she looked at Kevin she said "Your name is Chumbo". In Jim's little interview about the incident he said "It sounds like a mix between Dumbo, Jumbo and Chubby". Since then Matt and I have jokingly been calling Ollie "Chumbo". Marcee says we better stop now before it sticks! Luckily Jess agrees that in real life he doesn't look as big as the pictures make him out to be, but he is still getting bigger! His biggest accomplishment this past week was sleeping for 8 hours two nights in a row. Didn't happen Sunday night, but Friday and Saturday he didn't eat at 5am in the morning and survived it!

Monday was somewhat uneventful. Matt was invited to go on a last minute trip to Colorado for some Cat skiing (meaning they drive them up in the moutain in a snow cat and they get to make their own trails down the mountain), a huge storm just went through so it was super tempting but work kept him from going this time. After a lazy afternoon we met up with Marcee and the kids at the movies. We went to "The Lorax" it was...very political. I was sitting there watching it thinking- this is a kids movie, there is no way they can comprehend the things they are saying. Loved the fluffy trees though! After the movie when Matt was packing Ollie into the car he sat there playing with him and said "Ollie do you want to go get some ice cream?" and Ollie responded by saying "Um Ya!" we all laughed so hard because somehow his crazy little sounds he makes came out distinct like he really was saying Ya. We didn't get ice cream thoug, we just headed home and picked up another movie from redbox. I made it through watching the Voice (love that show) but didn't survive another movie.

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