Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Just Chillin

Tuesday I actually got a lot of work and items on my to-do list done. But outside of that we all had a great time just chillin! Matt was home for lunch and the four of us put on our bathing suits and took it outside to enjoy the weather and catch some rays. Ollie hung out with us in his bouncer in the shade, he loves going outside. I ended up with a bit of a red chest but today when I woke up all the red was gone. That night we didn't go anywhere, Jess and I hung out and watched tv while Matt went to play basketball.

Today was another chill day. The weather was warmer- 74 degrees. We all decided to work on our tans again and took our lunch outside again. It was warmer so Ollie got to put on his little QuickSilver swimsuit instead of the sweats he was wearing yesterday and even Missee layed out with us. (For the record Matt's shorts aren't that short- he was tanning his thighs I guess! That guy still makes me laugh every day!)

Matt livened things up by daring us to jump in the 62 degree pool and stay under water for 10 seconds for $100. There was no hesitation from either of us. He got good laughs and was a little shocked that I did it. $100 of guilt free spending money is worth it! Jess I did it at the same time while he filmed it.

The water was SHOCKINGLY cold! I tried counting under water but as soon as I hit the water it took all my breath away and I seriously thought if I tried to hold my breath I would DIE! But I did try- I lasted a whole three seconds. I think Jess might have made it to seven seconds. I jumped out of the water but decided to brave it again to try one more time for 10 seconds so I got back in and went under and it was still shockingly cold, I didn't last any longer. But Matt is a softy and still paid us both.

We celebrated by going shopping at Nordstrom Rack. My favorite. I filled the cart full- tons of fun stuff but despite all the good deals I reluctantly narrowed it down to a variety of bright shirts. (Trying to burst out of my black, white, and grey wardrobe). Ollie was the best little shopper. Matt didn't go but sent Ollie with us so he could get some work done. It was his first time with me when I actually tried anything on. They gave me the handicap dressing room and he just sat there and smiled and laughed at me- that might not be a good thing, maybe he was laughing at my bright teal skinnies I was trying on? Matt would have been laughing if he were there. Jess found a cute outfit that she decided to wear out tonight. After shopping we came home in time for a quick dinner before Jodee showed up to take Jess country swing dancing. Not before I had time to get the cutest pictures of Jess and Ollie. Another good day!

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