Sunday, April 15, 2012

Poopy Bumbo

Ollie was a bit fussy tonight and when holding him wasn't cutting it we put him in his bumbo. A few minutes later all the fussiness made sense when we saw his face turn red and his body tighten up- yep he started pooping. It was all fun and games until Matt picked him up to change his diaper and realized the boy had pushed so hard it had leaked out of his diaper all over him and the bumbo. He quickly put him right back down and picked up him and the bumbo and called me in for help. I'm not sure how much help I was, I laughed at him because he had no idea what to do, and I grabbed my camera to document the whole cherade. He decided just to see if he could spray Ollie and the bumbo off and headed for the shower, but when he couldn't get into ours he decided to use Ollie's bathroom for the first time. He sat him in the tub and turned on the water and Ollie was mezmerized, he had this serious face on and we couldn't break his concentration to get him to look at us for a picture.

Even Missee joined in on the fun to see what the heck was going on in the bathroom. Matt finally pulled him out of the bumbo, and then contemplated how to handle it.

I was made responsible for removing his diaper while he held him in the air, and then he unsuccessfully tried to just stick him in the water and then under the faucet, that poop must have glue in it because all it did was smear all over the bathtub and bum.

I had to go retreive wipes and again we tag teamed, Matt held him in the air while I wiped his bum. Job well done- I think Matt wore his "Warrior" shirt tonight for a reason! Why didn't I think to wear mine? Yours truly got to finish the job cleaning off the bumbo and the bathtub. Oh the joys of being a parent! As you can tell from the smile on Matt's face- even his poop makes us laugh!

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