Friday, February 8, 2013

Ollie's Valentine's Cards

I wanted to do something special for Jess for Valentine's Day so Ollie and I worked on a package for her so she would know how very much she is loved. One of my bright ideas was to dress Ollie up and take pictures of him with a bunch of stuff we were throwing in the package. I thought they turned out cute so in the end we also used them to make some home made Valentine's cards with love notes on them- one for every cousin and aunt and uncle, grandmas and grandpas and friends, and then he also delivered a card and small box of chocolates to each of his three little girlfriends at church. It was a lot of fun (even if we didn't get it all done by Valentine's day, but that is a different story.) As usual it ended up being a much bigger project than I anticipated, but it made Valentine's feel all the more special this year. Making the cards felt like the days when I was young, picking out which card I was going to give to each person in my class, trying to make sure that the card said just the right thing! Here are some of his card pics:


And here is the rest of the story...To get those pictures I had to take over 300! I started out with just Ollie and me in the morning, he was in a great mood until I put on his clothes and tried to button that top button and get a tie on him. All he wanted to do was play with the props and I couldn't get him to look at the camera for the life of me, and then he was done being squeezed by that tie!

Fast forward to the afternoon- second atempt, new location...still distracted...

Third attempt, this time I had Mom to help and it made all the difference, she could distract him. He still wanted to play with things and we struggled to get him to look at us but it still made for good shots. I didn't even try to put a tie on him, in the end all he really wanted to do was take those balloons and attack Mom- at least we all had some good times with that. Love this little guy!

And who can resist those lips??

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