Thursday, July 23, 2015

AZ Sunsets and Planting Pumpkins

We're still working hard to try to get the house settled- it's quite the process since we still have some renovations going on, furniture that we need to get rid of (since we downsized the house a little we have to clear out some of the extra furniture before we can even move things were they need to be), closets that need to be built out so we can hang our clothes and actually start unpacking, and "the list" goes on. But we're taking it in strides, and even amongst all the chaos there are sweet little moments that I have to stop and soak in.

Matt has this dream of growing our own pumpkins for the boys to carve this Halloween and the time to plant them in order for them to be ready in time is slipping away. So last night while we did our daily Lowes run, this time to pick up wood to build out the closet shelving, Jed and Matt headed over to the gardening section to pick up some seeds. Tonight after dinner I started cleaning up the house while the boys headed outside. As I was sweeping up the floor I got a glimpse of what was going on outside. The boys were still half naked because we had stripped them down so they could eat watermelon with their dinner, but they had their boots on and they were following Matt across the backyard to the spot they had designated for their new crop. Blazing in the background was a beautiful Arizona sunset (I am a sucker for sunsets) so it was definitely time for me to put the broom aside and head out to enjoy the sunset and my little cowboys diggin' in the dirt with Dadee.

Jed headed over to give our baby goat Rico some attention...

Not sure how much "help" the boys were to Matt

Jed liked stepping into the trenches Matt was digging... 

And they were so excited to be right there with him that I think he spent half his time moving them back... 

But he wouldn't have it any other way! And Ollie is already asking when he gets to carve his pumpkins!

What a beautiful night! 
#urbancowboys #countryliving #myfavoriteguys

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