Saturday, April 14, 2012

Carseats and Cowboys

When she found out we were adopting, my friend Nicole was eager to send a little gift so I  thought of one thing I didn't have and suggested a carseat cover. Little did I know it was going to be such a big task! She has been taking sewing classes so she decided to take on the project and fretted over the details- the hardest part being finding material. I was thrilled when she surprised me with not just the carseat cover but a handsewn blanket (made out of the softest material) and burp clothes to match. Since I grew up in Texas & Tennessee the cowboy theme was the perfect reminder of my own childhood- love it! Here is little Ollie hanging out in his new threads, not only does it help him sleep, he loves looking at all his little cowboys inside.

I've decided to take up tummy time again, I know I've been a slacker on it, he's just not all that good at it and really just hates it so I have a hard time forcing him to do it. But I've read the stuff that says it's good for them to help their development and if he's going to start rolling over I'd rather be sure that he learns how to roll off his belly while I'm watching him than have him roll onto his belly when I'm not watching him and have him get stuck face down. That was the compelling argument for me. So here is Ollie on the blanket Nicole sewed for him practicing his tummy time.

 Here is the happy guy after we relieved him of his tummy time and he just got to play with Dad and show everyone how he can touch his nose with his toes- he thinks that is pretty funny!

Thanks Nicole- those big smiles are dedicated to you today!

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