Monday, December 1, 2014

Christmas Tree 2014

Tonight we set out to find our perfect Christmas tree! I was super tempted to go the budget route and pick one up at Costco. Even before Thanksgiving I've been eyeing the one they have on display when you walk through the door and for only something like $54 who could ever beat it! The only problem is you just pull up and they pull one out of the truck all wrapped up and ready to go and that is what you get. Matt would have none of that, he insisted on "picking" our tree and in the end I didn't put up much of a fight because truly I love the whole experience of going to a lot, supporting small businesses, and getting to pick out the perfect tree!

7:45pm We arrived at the lot eager to find our tree!

It's funny how at first glance they all look amazing but as soon as you actually have to pick one you start to notice all the empty patches, or crooked tops, etc. And so it began...

I soon found Ollie over at the counter chatting away with the owner. Why was I not surprised? I always get a little grin as I listen to his conversations with strangers and get to see their reactions to him. He always makes every day brighter and I am sure the owners must love getting to see the joy on kids faces as they come through to pick out their trees.

He returned with a little gift, and he sure was excited about it!

The boys loved running through the trees, and Jed especially enjoyed touching the pokey limbs and taking a sniff of the evergreens.

Ollie was a lot harder to keep track of, and his typical boy self was quick to find a stick and mud!

I thought I had found the perfect noble fur but Matt wasn't so sure...

Funny how the very first tree that caught my eye was the one that we went back to again and again.

It was a top two contender, but it wasn't quite perfect. In the end we made a last minute find that stole the show.

8:26pm The search was finally over!

The pictures didn't do it justice! I'm really missing my bounce flash, but it was the perfect one. So full and green and perfectly straight! I don't even remember the kind of tree it was, but I do know it was a kind we had never had before and we were excited to bring it home! Another reason to love the tree lot, they always have cute photo ops setup. The boys doing their best to give us two thumbs up...

And the family photo...

Meanwhile they were busy getting our tree freshly cut...

And in the end after Ollie started grabbing tools I think they were happy to pack us up and see us go!

Back at the house Matt and I were doing our best to put up the Christmas tree when the whole thing fell over on him!

We all got a good laugh out of it, especially Ollie!

The tree and Dadee both survived, the tree is finally up and Jingle Bells must have known the tree was coming today because last night he picked a spot with the best view of the tree in the house!

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...

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