I started shopping for Halloween costumes for the boys before Jed was even born, I was even working on it when we were in the hospital after he was born. Not because I didn't know what I wanted, just because I was trying to find the cutest ones at the best price. Two shark costumes arrived a few weeks later. Two shark treat bags with their names on it arrived this week. I had to show Ollie what to do with it so all week long we have been "practicing." It only took him one time knocking on my bedroom door and me prompting him to say "trick or treat!" and putting a candy in his bag for him to catch on. I did teach him to say "Thank You!" too, and he probably got to practice more times than he should have because he is the cutest little thing!

After work tonight we all got the boys all dressed up. I consider this our trial run before the big night next week so I didn't worry as much about Matt or my costumes- not that there is much to ours, he is a surfer and I am a lifeguard. We'll get our family pictures at Marcee and Lance's house but I did get a few tonight.

I honestly have only ever gone to trunk or treat one time, it was when Nathanael was a baby 12 years ago so this was somewhat of a new experience for us and I have to admit that it was pretty fun. Ollie seemed to have the time of his life! When we got there we jumped in line for some chili but he refused to hang out with us, there was a DJ there and Ollie was all over the dance floor- a bit of dancing and a bit of socializing with every person he saw. Jed hasn't been to church yet so there were quite a few people running over to meet him for the first time and his cute little self did not disappoint. He did sleep the entire time but that was somewhat of a blessing since Ollie was all over the place and we were having a hard time keeping track of him. One of his favorite things to do was pick up the decorations and run around with them, I caught him running away with two little jack-o-lanterns that were all lit up and were just his size, luckily they were plastic!
When it was time to trunk-or-treat Ollie was more interested in the bubble blower than getting candy, but Natalie picked him and helped him get in the spirit. Just one stop and he was sold!
Matt stayed at the trunk with Jed to pass out treats and I got to run around with Ollie. He was the cutest little shark and I was so proud of him for keeping his hat on and saying "trick or treat" and "thank you" and taking time to say "goodbye" and wave. Who knew it would be so fun?
Molly finding Ollie inside that big shark! |
I was so proud of Ollie, when people would miss a kids bag and the candy would fall on the ground between them he would reach down and pick it up and then put it in their bag for them. How did he get so sweet?
I couldn't believe some of the fancy trunks out there, there were black lights and cages and all sorts of things, but this one had to be my favorite! Sister Butcher was the Mona Lisa, only her head moved. We are going to have to step it up next year, what can I say I'm a trunk or treat rookie!
Kaden wanted to get a picture with Ollie and when we told Ollie to turn around for a picture with him he promptly sat down next to him, his way of getting ready for the shot I guess! |
Ollie and Brycen |
I really was amazed that he kept his hat on the whole time because the first time he put his costume on a month ago he had the hat off in two seconds and I had to bribe him to keep it on for one minute so I could snap a picture. After we made the rounds Ollie and I hung out at the trunk while Matt went and helped tear down and clean up. Shockingly Ollie didn't even ask to eat a piece of candy when he was busy collecting it, and even when we hung out in the trunk he was more interested in drinking water and taking his candy out and playing with it than he was in eating it. I was pretty happy about that.
My friend in the car next to us was laughing when I pulled out the camera and started taking pictures of him in the front, Ollie of course gave me a "cheese" and she commented on how well trained he is- I guess he has had a few thousand or tens of thousands of pictures of him taken in his short life!
Ollie was so tired when we got home that he was rubbing his eyes and making the funniest tired faces we have ever seen. Matt and I could not stop laughing at him, it didn't take long before he was out! Little Jed was still asleep by the time we got home, and when we uncovered him we found a treat Ollie had left for him (only it was just the wrapper! He's taking advantage of little brothers Halloween candy already, can't wait to see the "deals" he makes with him next year haha!)
Happy Trunk-Or-Treating!!