At twenty one weeks old Baby Jed is still a skinny little guy. Change in formula and adding rice cereal to his formula hasn't really stopped the spit up. I was hopeful that it had decreased at least and some times I think it is getting better but then he will let it fly again soaking himself and usually me as well. He did go most of the day today in the same outfit so I guess there is hope that it is getting better. But spit up aside he is still the sweetest little guy, Matt and I comment on it every day. I love going in to see him in the morning only to find him awake and playing with his feet in his bed, he lights up and starts kicking around as soon as he realizes I am there. His little personality is emerging, and his infectious laugh fills the whole house. I can't get enough of his chunky cheeks, they are irresistible and he laughs when I nibble on them or on his chin, but no one makes him laugh like his brother and I finally got it on video...
Jed has started being a bit more demanding when it comes to holding him. He doesn't like it when I put him in his chair anymore and pushes his tummy up and tries to wiggle out and whines in protest, but as soon as I pick him up and have him in my arms he is perfectly happy. A lady at church gave me a wrap this week and Jed loves it, he gets to hang out right next to me and be a part of everything. And I love that he can lay his head back in the sling and look up at me, he likes to do that with those big eyes and long eye lashes. And my very favorite little thing that he did in the sling was while he was staring up at me he reached for my face and was fascinated with touching it. It reminded me of Sarah and his first breaths of life and how he reached out to touch her face, such a precious moment and such a precious little guy. Sometimes when I'm holding him now he will take both hands and grab my face and try to eat my nose or my chin. It makes me laugh because I'm pretty sure he is copying what I do to him all day long!
And then there is Ollie, he is still my first little angel and I am still soaking up all the sweet moments with him. Despite getting him his own bed he still sleeps with us every night, but I have to admit that his cuddles make it hard to want to put him in his own bed. But this week we have been making an effort. Tonight we went to his room and put on a movie for him, he like to watch "Shark." He wanted to be in his bed but he also insisted that I lay down with him. He really melted my heart though because as soon as I laid down next to him he put his little arm around my neck and pulled me close snuggling right into me. Can I just freeze time and let these days never end? I have always loved that he is such a cuddler. Someone once told me that when they start crawling they loose their affection- lucky for me that has been far, far from the case with Ollie. Even when I'm holding Jed he likes to snuggle up right next to me. It has definitely been a balancing act though, making sure that I am giving both the boys my love and attention. But the fun thing to realize is how much love and attention they give each other, fulfilling their lives in a way I never could.

Outside of his sweetness, there is this whole other side of Ollie emerging now called independence. He wants to do everything himself and likes to think that he is in charge. "No" is one of his favorite words and if he is tired or hungry he can quickly start to fall apart. Screaming and running away are some of his tactics and it is useless to try and reason with him when he is seemingly out of control- that moment where I stop and wonder what happened to my sweet boy! We've had our stand offs at times, me wanting to make sure he knows he isn't the boss, and him not wanting to give in. He is good at pouring out big crocodile tears and I have come accustom to seeing the veins pooping out of his neck when he tries crying at the top of his lungs. He has his own time out chair and when he is having a tantrum he hates to go in it, but it is honestly the strangest thing in the world because there are times when everything is normal and we are having fun and he will look at me and tell me he wants to go to time out. Has any kid on earth ever asked to go to time out? It hasn't happened just once either. I have to wonder if I have somehow missed the boat on teaching him the purpose of time out? I do chuckle at times though because I over hear him talking to himself and saying things to his toys like "1, 2, 3 Timeout!" I guess he likes to be the boss of them too! He still makes us laugh every day with all the witty little things he says, such a talker.
Last night I held Jed until he fell asleep on my chest and had Ollie snuggled up right next to me and I couldn't help but think how in my wildest dreams I couldn't have imagined how sweet it would be to have two boys and how I couldn't imagine them being anyone other than Ollie and Jed. Nor could I imagine Jess and Sarah not being a part of all of our lives- feeling so blessed!