At nearly the last minute Matt and I decided to drive to Utah instead of fly. Primarily because we changed plans for the 4th. Since we would be spending it in Moab it made a little more sense to keep driving south than it did to drive back to Salt Lake just to fly home. I was reluctant to drive only because I was afraid of keeping Ollie in a car seat for that long, but as we started packing (also at the last minute) I started to realize that we had way too much stuff for him to try and fly. I held onto our tickets until we actually got on the road because I was leery of it getting too late and then being forced to fly because driving wouldn't get us there in time.
We finally got on the road around 9:30pm. Our original plan was to leave at 5:00pm and stay the night in Vegas but when you're going to be away from work for nearly two weeks there were just too many things to take care of that kept us from an on-time start so we were forced to drive straight through the night. The only good thing about driving at night was that Ollie slept almost the entire way. Matt and I took turns driving (which is a first- usually he drives the entire way). He would do about 3 hours and then I would last about 2. The back seat of the truck was actually pretty comfortable to sleep in (for me anyway!) so it wasn't a horrific drive. We were planning on staying with Kris the first few nights but needed a place to shower and get ready for the big event. Luckily Trisha was around because her house was on the way and she was nice enough to let us take over her bathroom to get ourselves cleaned up, and it is always fun to see her. It was a bit like de ja voo because I remember leaving Trisha's house and her wishing us luck as we went to meet Jess the very first time. I wasn't nervous for court, mostly just excited and maybe a little too confident that everything was going to go well. I made sure we got out of the house in enough time to be a bit early and having achieved my goal of leaving on time my confidence only grew (anyone that knows me well knows that was truly a miraculous thing- that I was going to be early!). And then it happened, we got in the truck and started driving away and it was like the truck was barely responding, it was just slugging along. It felt like we were going less than 20 miles an hour, and when I looked over at the speedometer it showed us going 0 miles and hour. That's when we knew something was wrong. My big smile faded to worry, I couldn't believe it. We made it to the red light just before the freeway. Since we were stopped Matt decided to just try restarting the car to see if whatever was wrong would reset. He turned the truck off and wouldn't turn back on at all. I started to sweat and tried not to panic. After a few attempts we knew we were stuck, Matt turned to me and asked me to say a prayer for us. So I did, when we were done he said "That's not the prayer I was expecting" I realized he wanted me to call down the powers and make it start, kind of like when the ox lays down in the movie "Legacy" and her prayers are answered and he stands back up. I had only prayed for help.
I called Trisha and told her what had happened and she said she would jump in the car and come get us so we could get to court. In the mean time some kid walked up to our window to tell us that we couldn't turn left there. He must have seen the out of state license and thought we had no clue how to drive! Lol, Matt explained that our car wouldn't start and as he quickly turned to get back to his car he must have missed me yelling out the window asking if he had any jumper cables. Matt and I were just sitting there looking at the freeway and trying to determine if it would be ok to push the truck to the side of the road and abandon it with all of our stuff in it in order to make it to court on time. I knew I needed to call the lawyer, but I had no phone number, even his emails didn't have it. Luckily google did, and luckily he was still in his office. (We were 35 minutes from our court time and 25 minutes from court at this point, and the clock was ticking.) Then like a miracle as I was getting him on the phone a man stopped and asked if he could help. His name was Kipp and I will never forget him. I was embarrassed to tell our lawyer what was going on, it was like the many excuses I have made in my life for being late but this time it was all too real and this time being late could mean we would miss the date and have to come back weeks from now when we could get the judge again. I told him we were trying to jump the car right then and he said he would run across the street and see if they could move another case up in front of ours. This time he gave me his cell.
They boys couldn't get the truck started even with the jump, but luckily Kipp had ropes to tie to the front of the truck and he was able to tow us to the gas station where Trisha met us. We were able to leave our truck in a safe place and Kipp even offered to drive us to court himself. My heart was so full of gratitude, and just like the men that came and served us the sacrament on Christmas day we found out Kipp had adopted all three of his children as well. What are the odds? Why was it that he was the one that happened to be there right when we needed him? I will never understand but I will always be grateful for all the little tender mercies that have happened in our journey.
Trisha sped us along and got us there only 5 minutes after 2. I think I will always remember the crazy lady in front of us that was dressed in a bikini top and sweat shorts, she was older and not necessarily someone that even looked good in a bikini top which is why it was so odd. (Maybe it was her general lack of judgement that was taking her to court in the first place!) From the minute we walked in everyone was so nice to us. The security guy asked if we were there for an adoption and when we said yes, he beamed and congratulated us. We quickly realized that adoptions were about the only good thing that happens in court so us being there really was a bright spot in their day.
Since they were able to move another case in front of ours we had time to visit with Carrie (Jess' case worker) and to meet our lawyer for the first time. After a short visit they called us in. I don't exactly know what I was expecting court to be like, I guess I hadn't even taken the time to think about it at all it just seemed like another step/formality. All I know is I wasn't expecting the experience that awaited us. They called Carrie to the stand first and asked her some simple questions and then as she was asked to sign the papers in front of the judge that would make us his parents it all hit me at once. Matt was holding Ollie feeding him a bottle right next to me, I turned to look at him to see if he was feeling it too and there was my sweet husband sitting there with tears rolling down his cheeks dripping off onto his suit and my heart swelled even more. It was such a sweet experience. This whole journey has been filled with love and support from so many people, but truly it is one that we have walked together and there have been words said, and things that only the two of us could ever understand because we have felt/experienced them together. This was one of those moments that was just for the two of us, and words will never adequately describe what it means to us to have Ollie in our life, to be worthy to be his parents and to love him so completely and unconditionally, but it is a moment I will never forget.
They interviewed Matt next, but since his emotions had taken over they went easy on him and he didn't really have to do much talking before they asked him in a bunch of words if he would be his parent, to which Matt said yes and then proceeded to sign the paperwork. And then it was my turn. I thought I was going to get off easy as well, but then they asked me to tell the court how I felt about Ollie. I don't really remember what came out of my mouth except for the word "indescribable" and then a lame effort to try and put in words the love that I have for him. And then I had my opportunity to sign. After that the court was full of smiles, and it was over. Except of course our lawyer asked if we could have a picture with the judge that made everything official. (That wasn't even my idea but I was happy to get one!)

The judge also took the time to tell us how happy he was for us, and what an honor it was to do adoption hearings. He said unfortunately in court you spend so much time breaking families a part that it is refreshing to get to sit in on cases where families want to be together, that is what makes their day. We of course were grateful for the support. We headed downstairs to file the paperwork and pay whatever fees we needed to. It just felt like we were floating. Finally got to steal a kiss from Matt and soak in the moment together. Since we had to wait for our ride we talked Carrie into one last picture for us of our happy little family...

Trisha didn't take long to get to us, she was around the corner visiting Jake at the fire station. I didn't mind the wait though, it felt good to take off my shoes and feel the cool grass and enjoy the weather. (There is none of that at home right now unless I'm in the pool!) We hadn't eaten all day so we had a very late but delicious lunch, but only after we got the truck situation taken care of first. Matt had to get it towed to the dealership so we stopped and took out the essential items we were worried about. Trisha took us to Zupas, I have never eaten there before but I loved it! Especially after eating junk food on the drive up. Ollie loves to sit in the high chairs now and it was fun to have him eating right along side Davis. Trisha really was amazing, I don't know what we would have done without her.

After lunch/dinner we went by the dealership. We go there a little after 4:30pm but apparently that is when the workers stop so there would be no one looking at the truck today. Since we had no way to get to her Jess was nice enough to pick us up so we could visit her and her family. Always a good time, can hardly believe it has been six whole months since we were there last. Ollie was his happy little self, he loves to be the center of attention which is good because he usually is. He loves to sit and laugh and entertain us while we all watch and giggle. He took his turns with each person, and even Venus got a few good licks on his face (although I think she was a little jealous!)
Ollie getting a lick from Venus |
Gabe loved being near Ollie and I loved how he grabbed his arm. |
Two buds |
Ollie happy to entertain |
Julien is a hard one to get a picture of, he doesn't like to look at the camera! But I caught them looking at each other. |
Ollie imitating Darrel |
Learning to hang on his hands |
Playing around |
Crystal came by so Ollie could show her some love and vice versa |
Gabe was excited to share a Mr. Potato head with him |
Ollie making the rounds |
Concert by Jess and Ollie |
Singing was involved |
Learning to play |
Jess reluctantly letting go so Ollie could stand with her |
Playing around |
All too soon it was time to go. But not before they took us to their grandparents so hook us up with a vehicle to drive until ours was fixed- that was a super generous surprise. We were happy to see Jess' grandparents too, loved them from the first time we met them and her grandfather hadn't met Ollie yet so it was a sweet visit. Then we were back to Trisha's. Since it was so late we just spent the night with Trisha instead of heading over to Kris'. We thought we were going to get in a movie but Matt and I were out in minutes of turning on the tv, must have been something to do with the long drive!