Thursday night Ollie started showing signs of a cold, he had a runny nose and was getting congested. It is no fun trying to sleep at night when you are worried the whole time about whether or not he is breathing ok. He had a little hoarse voice on Friday that I have to admit was so cute but it was still so sad to see him under the weather. I checked his temperature and he was normal so we didn't get overly close, we just kept a good eye on him. But Saturday morning around 11am when he was trying to eat he barely took anything in and then started to cry- I knew something was wrong. He still didn't have a fever but we decided to take him to the Urgent Care anyway thinking maybe he had an ear infection.

The doctor at the urgent care diagnosed him with accute bronchiolitis and a slight ear infection and sent us home with a prescription for anti-biotics and a nebulizer for breathing treatments. She also instructed us to go to the ER if his breathing got worse, he stopped eating, or got a fever. By the time we got his prescriptions filled and got home it had been some time since he had eaten. Matt dropped me off and went to check on one of his jobs while I went to task feeding Ollie. He tried to eat but once again started to cry and this time he started to cough which made all the mucus come up and block his airway so for 4 or 5 seconds he wasn't breathing at all. It felt like eternity to me and put me in a panic! He was breathing but it was so labored- I called Matt nearly in tears and told him to get home. He responded and we rushed Ollie to the ER. On the way I couldn't help but second guess myself thinking maybe I was just over reacting because I'm a new parent. But regardless I knew it was better to be safe than sorry. The ER took him right in and then all the poking and proding began. Poor little guy got his temperature checked in his hinny, he had a temp over 100 degrees so they decided to test for RSV. That meant he got little testers stuck up his nose. They were pretty confident he had RSV so before we even got results back they took him back and sucked mucus out of his airways and lungs. Matt and I had to hold him down while they stuck tubes up his nostrils and down to his lungs. Poor little guy cried but he was so tough through it all. It did wonders for his breathing and was amazing how much they got out. After that we were sent back to a bed where they poked him in his arm and hand trying to get an IV in him, and he got poked in both heels because they needed blood samples. It took three different nurses to try and get an IV in him. I had no idea how they were going to find a vein because you can't even see one on him, but they had lights that they put under his hand that lit it up like a chicks egg. Still no success. I finally asked if I could just try feeding him because he was breathing better and the IV was really just to make sure he wasn't getting dehydrated. It worked, he sucked down the bottle.

We got to know the nurses well, they were all so kind and when they found out Ollie was adopted they were full of questions and wanted to know his story. Everyone tells me I don't even have to mention he is adopted because he looks like us, but I can't help but talk about it I guess because it is such a miracle and to me it makes Ollie even more special. (And I do get lots of confused looks because I don't exactly look like I birthed a baby recently so it helps to offer an explination!)
After that they took chest X-rays. The doctor finally came to see us and told us the RSV results had come back, they were negative, but it looked like he had fluid in one of his lungs so they gave him a shot and decided to admit him for pneumonia. Little did we know the hospital we were at no longer had a childrens wing- they had closed it down. So admitting him meant we had to take an ambulance ride to the children's hospital. It was 9:00 before we got the diagnosis and we hadn't eaten all day so Matt had contacted his friend in the ward who was kind enough to bring us some dinner and meet him at the hospital to give Ollie a blessing. It was only moments after he arrived that the ambulance showed up. Matt and Brent gave Ollie a sweet little blessing and then he camly let us put him in his carseat for his ambulance ride.
It was my first time in an ambulance. Ollie seemed so tiny, and he was so sweet during the whole ride. He didn't cry or fuss, just looked at the EMT with his big bright eyes. They were somewhat surprised that he was getting admitted because he seemed to be doing so well.
It was nearly midnight by the time we got checked in and settled into our room at the children's hospital. We met the doctor whom Matt quickly recognized was one of his clients. It was somewhat of a peaceful night. It felt familiar to sleep on the couch/bed with Matt since we had done it all the nights we were in the hospital when Ollie was born. In the morning they took another x-ray and basically told us they couldn't confirm that he had pneumonia, and his fever had broken so they let us go home. Just as were got the good news and were getting ready to leave, matt was feeding Ollie when he heard a big poop- Ollie had a BIG surprise for him! It got on Matt's shirt and when he realized the extent of the blow-out he suited up to do the job of changing his diaper. The nurse walked in as he was just getting started- she laughed at "Super Dad" and thought it was so funny she pulled in another nurse to take a peak.
It really was his biggest blow out ever! As wer were packing up they told us the hand crochetted blanket was for us, I felt pretty guilty because Ollie already has so many cute blankets but they said if we didn't take it they were going to have to throw it away, so Ollie has one more blanket and a cute little beanie baby parrot to go with it from some kind person we will never meet. We headed home after that, happy for the outcome and grateful once again for a husband that has the priesthood :)
Here are some pics of Ollie wrapped up in his new blanket- Missee is still very curious about him and I thought his little toes sticking out were so cute.
And finally- we finished off by taking his seven week old pictures with his little parrot from the hospital and let him show off all his bandaids and bandages from everywhere the poked him! (the nurse tried to take it all off before he left the hospital but I saved it all for this shot)
Glad you're ok sweet baby boy!